This August come and fall in love once again with Sarawat and Tine in Still2gether series. As days are passing by, we are getting closer to premiere episode of Still2gether. Fans are so excited that they are scooping whatever information they can get about the series. During this time, GMMTV dropped the trailer of Still2gether on 31st july which has stormed the social media sites where fans are sharing and posting pictures, reviews, reactions and cover songs for the series. The trailer is amazing and forces to watch it again and again which is why it received 2M views with a day of its launch. I have decided to present my observations of the Still2gether trailer. It may be short incomparison to others opinions because most of them have read the book, but I have decided that not to spoil my self for Still2gether. So, whatever I mention here is just my assumption based on the facts. It maybe true or may not which will be revealed soon after the series airs.

The trailer begins by stating that the first thirty seconds are dedicated to the good old moments of 2gether the series which has been loved by the audiences (though I found the duration was nearly 40 seconds for 2gether the series).

Well, it was nice to see and remember those moments once again but after that the scenes if Still2gether were like bombs falling on war zone without giving recovery time. Each scenes are impressive in that level that your brain processing becomes slow. Each time the trailer revealed different discoveries and analogies from various shows, events and other series.

First thing to note that the location of ‘love nest’ of Sarawat-Tine has been changed which now seems like a home for a couple. Like in 2gether the series, Sarawat is still straight forward and outrageous with respect to Tine. Despite, they are in a relationship, Sarawat seem to lose a chance to flirt with Tine and through romantic punch dialogues at Tine. But this time, Tine also loves it and joins Sarawat. Their behavior seems more like a married couple than boyfriends which is adorable to watch. There was a scene where Sarawat with his series tone said to Tine, “Let me get this straight. Let me grab your boobs” which is still funnier to watch though the same we have seen in 2gether the series.

Since Tine and Sarawat are well-known to their audiences as ‘The Nuisance and The Charming Prince’, so there will be chaotic moments in the series. There was a scene where cheerleaders and music band groups locks their horns for practice place in a room and fire breaks out which becomes more chaotic. After that everyone sits on stairs a;ong their group members but Sarawat doesn’t leave a chance to show his love for Tine by feeding him food infront of everyone. I laughed at that scene when everyone were staring at both of them but they are lost in their own worlds. After the fire, maybe the groups will practicing outdoors temporarily. In Still2gether Green is the Tine supporter and it seems he is with cheerleaders group. There was a scene where Tine and Green were training the cheerleaders while in the room beside them Dim, Sarawat and other music band members are practicing but both the groups tries to disturb each other making noises. At a point, Green and Tine group lost their cool and went to quarrel with music practicing group. This scene seemed as if the wives i.e., Tine and Green along with Tine’s brother in law, Phukong went for a domestic quarrel with their husbands i.e., Sarawat and Dim.

In Still2gether, I observed that Tine is no more chic guy and Sarawat is no more the grumpy guy rather both are whipped for each other. From trailer, we may get to see more romantic and cute scenes between Sarawat and Tine beginning with Sarawat and Tine throwing little heart signs at each other. Do you remember in episode 8 of 2gether the series when Sarawat wrote his answer for question for ‘how he feel for his partner’ as ‘Tine=wife’. In Still2gether we will be getting verbal statement of that. For example, there is a scene where Tine asks Sarawat that “Having me as a secretary is not enough?” then Sarawat answers by saying that “I want to have you as my wife”. This scene is romantic to watch. There are various cute scenes between Sarawat and Tine like Sarawat leaning his head on Tine’s shoulders like he did in episode 8 of 2gether the series and the scene where Sarawat prays for Tine to do his best in work and everyone should love him and suddenly kisses him on his cheeks is too cute to handle. There is a scene over which fans cannot stop their pounding crazily, where Tine approach towards Sarawat as if he is about to kiss and even Sarawat leans forward thinking of that but Tine takes the guitar behind him. I am happy to see that they recreated the scene where Tine gives his introduction infront of his seniors in the first episode of 2gether the series. In this scene Sarawat also accompanies Tine in Still2gether which is cute and funny to watch as if two small kids are performing an action song. At the end of trailer, there is a particular scene whose similar scene in the episode 9 of 2gether the series made fans go crazy i.e., kiss upto drop scene (of course with improvisation). There is a scene where Tine compares Sarawat’s face with his doll which is adorable to watch. Many fans are willing to purchase Sarawat-Tine dolls because of how cute are these dolls. Like 2gether the series, Bright has recorded the MV for Still2gether which is cute and soothing to hear. You will not feel tired while listening it again and again.

In the trailer of Still2gether, much details about the Man-Type and Mil-Phukong has been shared, may be the makers are planning to surprise the audiences.
