Journey from 2gether the series to 2gether the movie

 On Feb 21, 2020, the first episode of 2gether the series aired, and with that journey of Sarawat and Tine began. I still remember when the first episode aired and it was without English subtitles but still I watched it because it was that much incaptivating. I got mesmerized by all the actors though I wasn’t understanding what they said but still it was a treat to the eyes. For the first time, I had such an experience and I found it strange too. The way the story moved made me get lost in the magic of the series especially music and romantic scenes. It’s been more than a year but still, I couldn’t forget those episodes and the feelings I experienced while watching the episodes. To be frank, every time I saw Sarawat and Tine scenes I get butterflies in my stomach and can’t giggling like an idiot but still I enjoyed the moments. 

After 2gether the series ended it felt like my world has fallen apart. Though for many it might be mere boys love series but for me it is everything. It changed my life and the way I approach life. I learned many things directly and indirectly from the series and the actors. 

On August 14, Still2gether, special episodes of 2gether the series got released and my happy moments returned once again. I won’t deny saying that I enjoyed Still2gether even more though it had fewer episodes. It was like an advanced and power-packed version of 2gether the series. The sweet and romantic moments of Sarawat and Tine made me forget all my pain and worries. I definitely give credit to Bright and Win for such marvelous acting. I don’t want to offend by saying that other characters didn’t influence as much as they did. But still some side characters contributed a lot to the story too. In short, my time with Sarawat and Tine was like a festive season whereas I enjoyed it to the fullest. 

Now after 1 year and 2 months, 2gether the movie is going to hit the theaters. Though for international viewers it is still unknown that how we get to watch but still it is awesome news. I didn’t expect the movie and for a second I thought something is wrong when I saw 2gether the movie trailer got recommended to me but after few seconds everything turned into joy when I saw Sarawat and Tine in matching Tuxes and about their future in the car. 

It appears like we are getting to hear wedding bells soon. Though the trailer consisted of most of the scenes and dialogues from 2gether the series and Still2gether but still I enjoyed it a lot and it made me watch the trailer at least 10 times within an hour of its release. Not to mention new OST looks promising like always and Win's voice is awesome.

Though there is no confirmation about the release for international viewers but I think they might release on the OTT platform at later date. I want to congratulate everyone involved in this and wish them success in future endeavors. 

There is the trailer of Movie
