The shipper series parted with me with an emotional roller coaster ride. The previous episode ended with emotional scene between way and pan (in kim’s body) but the final episode was mixed with various emotions. I felt sad, happy and love; this episode made me cry like a small child sometimes and at the same time out of blue it made me laugh also. Farewells are toughest part of our lives, atleast for me it is. With that I am going to give my review about final episode of the shipper series. The episode begins with conversation between way and pan (in kim’s body) where she reveals the truth about her and kim. That scene was normal for me only I felt heavy hearted because it was the final episode but the scenes moved forward my emotions escalated. When pan said kim is dead to way, he heart ached a lot. Even before way started crying, tears began rolling down my eyes. The scene was intense because way couldn’t process what he heard because for him kim is physically present and saying that he is dead. When pan connected all the dots since the accident, way understood that the person in front of him is not kim rather she is pan. I couldn’t bear to watch the scene where tears were about to flow out of way’s eyes. Way pulls pan around when she was about to leave and scolds that stop joking and says he can’t live without kim. That one statement broke my heart into pieces, now I was just watching helplessly with tears contiously pouring. I was emotionally touched when pan acted maturely and said “I know that’s why I didn’t leave this body till now until I found these”, those were flights. One ticket was to Tokyo for kim and another was to L.A. for way; on both the tickets #waykimforever was written. In the previous episode I thought that both the tickets were to Tokyo because kim might have booked the tickets to Tokyo because he was confident that he would win the bet. Pan told way that kim was determined to win the bet and give this ticket to way which meant that anyone of them don’t have to sacrifice the thing they like only because they want to be together and she told that she realized that after someone told her whether kim really wanted pan to stay inside kim’s body forever. This was well scripted and was rational to hear also. Way bursted into tears and suddenly kim appeared for moments to speak to way. This time both of them confessed their love for each other and kim asked way to ‘let this girl have her own future’. That scene was a very proud moment for me because I always complained about irrationality and complexity of the series but for the first time I experienced those scenes and dialogue which I never found in any other BL series. I became proud that I choose this series to watch. After that way and pan becomes normal and discuss whether there is any possible oppurtunities for her to return back to her body. Then comes the Angel of death but this time she gives her full introduction and got surprised that pan didn’t interrupted her. This was supposed to be funny for me but I got emotional after hearing pan’s answer, she told ”This will be the last time we will be meeting”. For a second I felt like she was reminding me that this is the last episode and we won’t be able to meet from next week. I was crying at this scene but suddenly laughter bursted out my mouth when Angel of death told “I want to cry. I am so touched that I want to hug someone” and grabs way suddenly who was beside her. Pan kicked which was hilarious scene. Angel of death tells pan that ‘A True Love Kiss’ can bring back to her body. While pan was thinking about her true love, way jumps in and revealed the truth that her true love was always there beside her and that one is Khet. Pan rushes to hospital and Angel of death follows her which was little funny to watch. In comparsion to previous episode, Angel of death brought humour to this emotional and gloomy finale. Meanwhile, doctor makes his final attempt to save pan’s body whereas Khet rushes to see pan in the hospital. This became chaotic and suspenseful. I was just sitting in front of screen with my broken pieces of my heart pounding heavily whether pan will be able to return or not. Suddenly, pan loses sight of Angel of death because pan’s body was losing pulse and doctor intiated medical emergency procedures on pan. When all the hope was lost and the scenes were like pan might die any second, way visits church and places a bet with coin. After flipping the coin, if it comes head, kim has to help pan to get back in her body. Unfortunately, it came tail and at the some moment doctor declared pan as dead. When there was no chance to any hope then a miracle happened, the coin on way’s hand got turned into head and pan’s body got pulses again. That scene almost choked my throat because kim’s death news was difficult to handle and if pan wouldn’t have returned back then I might have broken my screen out of anger. But that scene was really miraculous and it felt like God has shown his powers to give justice. Khet comes to meet pan who was lying on ground after exhausting herself while running. Khet gives her hand and lifts her. Khet explained why he loved pan. At this point, I knew that both were having a happy moment but still my heart still didn’t recovered from way’s sadness. Spiritually, she is pan but physically, it is kim’s body. They kissed on the bridge and everything becomes normal. Though the unnatural elements were ignored like how pan returned and what happened kim’s body and why no one questioned kim’s sudden demise but I am ok with that.

A funeral is arranged for kim which was attended by Khet, way, his parents, pan, soda, his teacher and ex-lover Kana, pringphing and her friends. Khet was asked to read the eulogy but he gives the chance to way saying that kim always considered him as his family. Both of them decided to read eulogy. It was emotional message which meant that we never know that there might be tomorrow for us or not, so it is better to live ‘today’ without worrying about tomorrow and when way in his part of eulogy said “we thank you for everything. Thank you for being the most important part of lives”, I felt goose bumps because I am also thankful to kim and all other characters of the shipper series which entertained me a lot. Now, my eyes became so red because I cried a lot. Usually when my favorite series ends, I cry one or two tears but when this series was ending I couldn’t resist my tears because kim was dead, way was left alone and the series almost came to an end. After eulogy everyone presented flowers at kim’s grave and pan thanked kim in her thoughts and was grateful that his life has helped her to grow. She said she many things in her life. As a shipper she always asked herself, what love was but kim taught her that love doesn’t means staying beside each other rather love means staying inside each other’s heart. In that scene, while pan was stating love’s meaning, when I saw gave flowers to kim’s grave and looked at pan then I saw the pain in his eyes. It hit me hard because as an actor fluke portrayed way’s role perfectly. Since last four episodes the show attracted new viewers because of way’s character and his emotions. Now everything ended, everyone returned to their normal lives. I liked that pan’s dialogues were so relateable especially with those who sticked with this show since beginning. At the end they tried to give some closure to the love lives of supporting charaters. Even at the end Angel of death didn’t failed in making me laugh. It seemed like she learned a lot from her mistakes and started doing her job sincerely. That scene was so funny that it can’t be described in words because that situation was like that no one can resist their laugh. Pan opened up with her step father and asked him to enjoy his life without worrying about her. For khet’s family, it is not easy to forget kim but fortunately they had one lat family picture with each other to remenish those times. One thing which healed my heart that pan and soda continued being shippers and were determined to keep kim alive in their stories for sake of way. I felt happy that I cried when way saw and followed the new chapter updated by them. As a writer, it is proud moment for me because pen has the power to keep people alive even if physically they are not present with us both the stories about them will always be with us. Way packed his things and was ready to leave for L.A. Irony of the series is I thought, apart from way and kim everyone in this series will remain single but to my surprise, in the show, kim is dead and way is left alone. Moreover, everyone else got some pairs or hinted to have new ones. Even soda got paired with another guy. The series ends with pan visiting khet in the barber shop and khet tried to flirted with his girlfriend. There is huge surprise that Off-Gun had a cameo at the end. After watching them pan started writing fiction stories about them leaving Khet sighing and saying that “So this is how it is like when you have a yaoi girlfriend” (lol).

The shipper series ends here. I know many might be wishing for season 2 but personally, I prefer not because there won’t be story about way and kim but there can be any new couple if the show makers are willing to make to the same plot line. Speaking the episode 12, I liked that Khet revealed his secret love to pan, Angel of death got sense and other supporting characters got some respect by getting some closures. The only thing I can’t control myself about is, way is left alone even though he struggled and waited a lot for kim but at the end he got answer that kim is dead and they can never be together forever. Still, I can’t get over this fact or maybe I can never get over it. Least I can say that I am grateful that the series didn’t end with tragedy because I thought way might follow kim in death but still I can live with the ending of series especially when everyone did the dance together and atlast, way and kim comes to perform with them. I loved that scene. In the post credit scene it is shown that kim’s soul got peace. At last, I want to thank the casts of the shipper series for presenting their best and entertaining me. 

