It is said that love can never be forced rather it is felt and it is perfectly shown in episode 9 of the Philippines BL series ‘Gameboys’. In brief, episode 9 was a mixture of surprises, cuteness, redemptions and at the end happiness (though it doesn’t seem like). At the end of episode 8, Cai asked Gav to play a game online but Gav was unable to find Cai’s username, then Cai replied that he has a new account named as ‘babyniGav’ after translating in English it is said as 'Gav’s baby'. The episode 9 opened with a scene where Cai is doing live streaming of his game but Gav kept on insisting during the live stream session to shout out his name. After the live stream, Cai scolded Gav by calling him an attention seeker after which Gav asked Cai to call him ‘baby’ because he even changed his username to ‘babyniGav’ but haven’t called Gav as his baby yet. This was cheesy and cute in the same way because one person is persistent and the other one is stubborn. Anyways, they are officially a couple then who cares whatever they call each other. I was grinning during this scene. I almost lost my mind for few seconds when Gav persistently insists Cai to say ‘baby’ and also says that ‘say it with love’. I was thinking about what is wrong with me because there was nothing special in that scene but their chemistry was melting my heart. The funniest thing is that they started behaving like a couple before they get committed into the relationship. Sometimes, I feel whether any episode will be there where both will talk with each other sweetly without bickering like an old couple. I also liked the show's initiative to use the gaming platform to raise funds for frontline workers during the pandemic which many people are doing in real life also. In the next scene, we can see that Pearl in group chat informs Gav and Cai that Terrance is regretting his actions and wants to apologise. I liked the story development because in my opinion, how bad maybe the actions of any character, I believe that at least one chance should be given for redemption and I am glad that Terrance got the chance. It is shown that Terrance sends a video message to Pearl in which he apologizes to Gav and says that he regrets leaving him. He also asks Cai to take care of Gav. If I was to watch this episode without knowing the happenings of the previous episode then definitely, I might have cried but anyway I agree that the message was emotional. There are still many people who still angry at Terrance and I agree that their anger is justified. When Terrance told Cai about Gav’s grandmother story, even I believed that it might be true but when I learnt the truth that Terrance lied in order break the relationship of Cai and Gav I became furious because I felt, Terrance crossed the line when he used the made-up story of a dead person for his advantage. After all, when a person dies only that person’s memories remain alive so, one should respect that. Anyways I can say that I am not furious at Terrance any more, just don’t want to care about him. Later in episode Pearl finds a new activity to do i.e., Zumba dance with Gav and Cai in the video call. Even during that time also Gav finds a way to flirt with Cai. Pearl’s statement ‘Get a room’ and ‘stop making me the president of the third wheel’ was hilarious moments. After that Pearl informs them that from the next week there will be lockdown with some relaxations for industries and other essential commodities. Cai and Gav started making plans to travel after pandemic to various places. In another scene, Risa Vargas (the girl who exposed Cai socially about his sexual orientation) calls Cai for an apology because she felt guilty for everything happened with Cai and his family but Cai forgives her and assures her that not to blame herself for anything. I liked the maturity of Risa and Cai that they behaved like adults and sorted out but I am still pissed at Risa (which is not fair), because how much angry you can be but you can’t betray your best friend's trust, just think about the trauma Cai might have gone through when he found that the first person he opened up with humiliated him publicly. But I am fine that writers gave proper closures to the negative characters of the series in this episode. In the next scene, Cai and Gav send each other gifts, Gav’s gift was a pillow with his picture printed on both sides whereas he prepared another pillow for himself with Cai’s picture but funny thing was that Gav used one picture in the back of pillow where Cai was holding condom package. Cai’s gift was a T-shirt with text printed as ‘Cairo’s angel’, he prepared another shirt for himself saying as ‘baby ni Gav’. They shared some sweet moments virtually but soon they were interrupted because of Cai’s mom text message which said that she wanted to talk with Cai. After disconnecting with Gav, Cai called his mother. The conversation began with being funny then little embarrassing and ends with emotional (according to me). She observed that Cai is wearing ‘baby ni Gav’ T-shirt and she asks about that but Cai tried to hide it with the pillow but unknowing he used the pillow Gav gave him. She asks about the person on the pillow which Cai diverts by saying he just a fan of his. I was embarrassed to watch that scene but I liked the scene when Cai’s mom said that ‘what a cute fan you have’. This conversation became emotional for me when she told Cai that she is going to sell the condo and planning to move in with Cai’s grandma in Bukidnon. I liked that Cai made an effort to convince her to let him stay there but in the end, he agreed with her. It hurts to know you waited for a long time to meet your lover but when the time came, you have to move away. I understand Cai’s decision to support his mother because whatever she stated were valid reasons and was best for her family. Cai informed this matter to Pearl but was afraid to tell to Gav. So, he called Gav and said that finally, it is time for them to meet personally.

I am thinking that in the next episode they will meet personally, they might share some moments (wishing) and Cai will say this matter to Gav personally. Now, I want to see how Gav will take this, whether he supports Cai or convinces Cai to change his decision, I am eagerly waiting to see. Let’s hope for the best and watch Gameboys episode 10. 
