When I began watching the episode 10 of The Shipper series, I was nervous because at the end of previous episode it was shown that Way was about to kiss Kim. Actually I was excited to watch that because I survived one long week for that cliffhanger scene but eventually it ended with huge disappointment. In this episode the characters were less in number and it had lot of flashback scenes like back story of Way and Kim; Kim and Khet. Though the Angel of Death was not present to entertain in this episode but the main three characters managed to bring humor especially the basketball court scene where Khet desperately interfered between Kim and Way. I literally laughed out loud when Way thought that the school director is the associate of Khet. At one point I was thinking like “really? Way is so stupid” and surprisingly it was proved again and again throughout the whole episode. Pan gave more than enough clues that her soul is trapped in Kim’s body and Khet also warned him about that but Way’s brain is like a iron wall which barricaded all those clues and warnings. I felt like this is what meant by ‘falling in love makes your IQ go downhill’. There was a particular scene though it is not important at all but I found it the most funniest one in that episode and that scene was when Way asks Khet that ‘why he is interrupting his conversation with his brother’ at that time Khet answered that “I am interrupting because I like you”. After that scene, I paused for few minutes because I couldn’t stop laughing over that and there were previous episodes which had so many scenes of Way and Khet which I found very cute and couldn’t help myself rather ship them together. So, at this time when I found that it is like a confession scene, though it is clear that Khet is only doing this for Pan but my mind wasn’t ready to accept those logics. I immediately sailed WayKhet ship and of course that ship sank like titanic when Khet corrected himself by saying ‘not in that manner’ i.e., also after some 10 seconds but I really enjoyed that small moment. Yes I also agree that episode 10 was emotionally strong because this episode showcased heartbroken scene of Pan and the scene where Way wanted to know Kim’s answer and when he asked the reason behind his rejection. I felt that though story is simple but the logic behind it made the whole series so complex for me that I started to think that it would be better for me to watch without any rationality. I observed one major point in the series the story revolving around the secrets of Way and Kim. The flashback of Way and Kim; about the deal between Kim and Way’s father totally destabilized my mindset because I was convinced that Kim is a bad guy, who used his teacher to cheat moreover played with her emotions. When I learned that the reason behind his actions was Way, I am convinced that Kim actually likes Way but maybe couldn’t confess either because he is tight-lipped (as mentioned by way) or don’t want to disturb Way-Phingpring’s relation (which I am eagerly waiting to know). I was so emotional at that time, I almost felt like crying because Kim and Way both have feelings for each other but uncomfortable with expressing that. I felt that, actually they are lucky that both were always together which is unusual to find commonly in many series. But due to the storyline I felt that there still some things which are unexplained like what kind of bet is there between Way and Kim so that if Kim wins they will go to Tokyo, likewise if Way wins they will go to L.A. Another surprising fact I found way characteristics of Khet, I thought Khet is cute and sharp guy but I learnt he has his flaws after which I found him even cuter because he realized his mistakes and trying to mend them. Personally, if I would have been in the place of Kim, I might have behaved the same manner because it really hurts when your efforts go in vain due to someone with whom you don’t want to get involved with. But I want to get things settled between the brothers. On slightly different context, I felt little weird that how much Pan had meddled with Kim’s life, though everything she did is for his well being because it feels like you slept at night and woke in the morning to only find that everything around you has changed without your knowledge. For example, think yourself as Kim, I mean when real Kim returns he will find that he broke up with kana, his friend went through a break up because of him, that friend wants to be his boy-friend, your brother is synchronizing with you despite you don’t want to do and lastly all your secrets has been revealed out by a girl who is a total stranger and writing fictional novels about you. The worst part is that you don’t have clue that all these things happened without your knowledge. I don’t know about Kim and what would be his reaction but it would be a lot weirder for me. At the end of episode, it was shown that Soda, Kim (with pan’s soul) and Khet are rushing to hospital because Pan got seizures and about to go in the coma. The end scene was showing Kim’s bike, I don’t know where this is going but I am getting a hunch that Kim’s soul might have trapped in his bike and though it is repaired, so Kim’s soul can move from the bike to his body with the help of Angel of Death.

The series is getting to the end things might heat up in episode 11 but still looking forward to get answers about Kim, Way, Khet and Pan’s future.
