Love is a heavy word which has deeper meaning. Many confuse infatuation as love and commit various mistakes but it is not their fault. Actually in this world no one has the right to declare someone's love as infatuation or immature, not even by me. The thing I want to say that sometimes, it is difficult to determine whether what we are feeling is love or not but one thing is absolute that when we like someone then we stop thinking about our self rather we engage all over time thinking about the one we like that’s why it is often said that 'when we start liking someone else then we stop liking our self'. There are many people who hesitate declaring that they like someone or something because they fear that people will start judging, they fear that people will start putting various opinions about them but do you know when we express something then only some sort of interaction begins. I agree that we can’t do anything if that interaction is against our favor but one should never regret sharing their thoughts to someone. Once you start postponing something by thinking that we can do this later that thing will never done and eventually all future plans will get spoiled. If you hesitate to put your opinion then you will be like a dead body to everyone. Physically you will be recognized but mentally no one will care about you. Hence it better to express love because if that love truly belongs to you that love will remain with you forever in your heart, if that love doesn't belong to you then it is a signal that it’s still not your time. Moreover loving someone is one the greatest thing in the life because when we love someone we admire them, imitates them, they becomes out idol. There are many people in the history who lost many things sometimes their lives while loving someone. At their end time they must be satisfied with that thought they expressed their love and their is no regret inside their heart.
