Many people in this world think that freedom is the target that they must achieve but they forgets the fact that when you set something as your target you will struggle to achieve but after achieving it you aim fulfills there will not be fun in the life when they don't feel freedom everyday. As I already stated that freedom can only be felt inside no one can force you to feel freedom just like love. Love is pure like freedom and many times i observed that there is no difference between love and freedom. Both of them make you feel stronger and independent. There are some who enjoy ceasing freedom from others, they like controlling others and those who are unfortunate enough fall into their trap. Any sort of activity which doesn't allow you to make own decisions rather force you to do that activity stomps your self esteem and eventually a time comes when despite of having an opportunity to carry out particular task you won't be having the courage to do so. Hence in order to avoid such situation, you must raise your self esteem. The best way raise your self esteem will be becoming self dependent. When you will become less dependent on other you will grow stronger emotionally and a time will come when you will true attain freedom that you deserve. In life believe that never do any sort of activity which binds you thoughts and action whether it may be in relations or in financial occupation. Yes, i agree that everyone needs financial support but that doesn't mean that it comes at cost of freedom  
