Review of Minami Kun: My Little lover Season 3


Love has no form; it moulds itself in any form it can get into. That’s why most love stories are great success despite some might end with tragedy but today I am going to give my opinion on a love story which is unusual but epic in its self. The story is serialized with 10 episodes. If anyone who want to watch series with fewer episodes and feel epic after that then I would recommend watching ‘My little lover: Minami Kun no Koibito’. This type of lover you might find rarely anywhere. The story is light to watch means you will enjoy throughout the series without too much crying. There are scenes which are cute, suspense and of course adventurous. The story is about two high school students Horikirishi Chiyomi and Minami Shunichi, both are childhood friends. They promised each other to get married when they were kids but they grew up things began changing and Minami Kun began distancing himself from Chiyomi chan. The reason was Minami Kun’s father abandoned his family when he was in middle school. So, he dedicated all his time to studies so that he can get a scholarship at a good medical university. The main plot is well written and shows the reality of the world but in this scenario, there is a small twist around which the whole series revolves around. The town in which protagonists are living, it has a legend, legend of ‘one-inch princess’. Everyone in the town knows the legend or might have heard as folktale as a child. In the senior year of high school, both Chiyomi Chan and Minami Kun began the classes. One day, due to dispute with her parents Chiyomi runs from and bumps into Minami Kun, there she explains her ordeal. After hearing her Minami Kun rudely comments that she is a spoiled child and he hates her. This breaks her heart. She ran from there and reaches the place whereas kids they promised each other to get married. There she learns that she loves Minami Kun that’s why his statement hurts her and wishes that she want to return to that time when they were kids. That night storm hits the town and Chiyomi unable to return to her home. In the morning she founds that her body shrank into one inch. Meanwhile due to the disappearance of Chiyomi causes huge chaos in the locality. Minami Kun feels responsible and goes for searching her while following the trail of Chiyomi’s belongings he reaches the place where Chiyomi is. There he learns about Chiyomi and takes her home. Upon her request, Minami Kun agrees to let her stay in his room with him because she thinks that her family might not bear this phenomenon. Both Minami and Chiyomi spend time together and face many challenges. But in the end, things work to be good and they fall in love with each other and get married after graduating high school.

Each episode explains a new issue of their families. This is one of the best examples to show that how much messed up our lives may be, isolating ourselves is not a solution rather we have to face the problem and discuss them with family and friends because whatever situation we maybe they will always love us. In the first episode, you will find the character of Minami Kun as an uptight and ambitious person but in the later parts of series, you will come to know that he is a good student, ideal son and grandson and a great lover who cares for his partner. While coming to the end of the series, he behaves like a lover boy which I liked that.

Overall I found this interesting and out of box story. Good thing is that you can complete the whole series in sitting also and will be bored during that time. The characters are nice and free. The side characters added more life the series with their senses of humor and pun jokes. The best thing I liked that the series forces to stick to the story and will get the urge to know the story deeper and deeper. If you are wondering whether it has a happy ending or not then relax, it has a wonderful happy ending. If you free and bored then get it a try, you won’t regret it, I can assure you that. I also want to congratulate the production team of the series for such delicates with such a precision that they felt real.
