Review of Oxygen series episode 2

The episode began with Khim and Gui discussing the comments mentioned by Solo on the Facebook post. Personally, I am liking this girl because she is like perfect shipper but I think for Solo and Gui no external help is required in their relationship because both of them are getting attracted to each other. This is one thing I found astonishing because normally in BL series there is cut and chase between couples and at the end, they fell in love like what is happening with Kao and Phu but for Solo and Gui it is quite different because anyone can guess that they are getting attracted to each other like iron-magnet. In this series, all three couples have unique traits and the story is getting interesting because of those traits.

First, about main couple Solo-Gui, I must admit that Solo acts very manly when he is with Gui though usually, he doesn't give that impression. The scene where Solo visits cafe to meet Gui and daringly changes the signboard from open to close is something I found noticeable and Gui also doesn't object him. Their relationship seems unreal but not impossible because think of this how will you feel when not so close, self-centred junior always try to get your attention, practically not possible but it is happening due to which I am loving it. Recently many series are based on hate to love but this is different which is why I feel that it has real potential to entertain its audience. Everything both of them do for each other is sweet and could not stop me from grinning over them like when Gui wipes Solo's face but on the contrary Solo kisses Gui's hand is very sweet to watch. The scene at the flower shop was very much heart-pounding scene because for a second I thought they are going to kiss but this scene was there in the trailer where Solo pulls lily flower and presents to Gui. This scene is sweet and exciting at the same time. In the end, the soul ascending scene of the episode was Solo's performance at the contest. The song is so sweet and cute. Actually, I have been hearing this since last week so I almost remembered the lyrics, so I was singing most of the time with Solo. Those who don't know, I request to watch it because it's lyrics are very much meaningful and relatable with series which will make you fall in love.

The second couple is Phu-Kao who is my favourite couple because they are the first couple who gave me such a peculiar vibe that I didn't find in any other series. I like boldness and frankness of Kao with his feelings towards Phu and usually when someone is not comfortable with something they will distance themselves from that thing but Phu is making effort in his way and it seems like there some hope for them. The way Kao helps Phu to sell his paintings in the freshy event is interesting and funny to watch. Sometimes I feel like Kao is playing with fire but Phu might have some feelings for Kao due to which he is tolerating him despite how much uncomfortable he may feel. When you are in a relationship or trying to be in a relationship you face things which hate most but have to accept it that way because of the person you like. Kao seems like he is adjusting to it because he hates rabbits but on the other hand, Phu likes rabbit and drew rabbit face on Kao's, so he accepts it for Phu. Currently, I can't explain in words how I feel about these two but out of three couples, they are the one rooting to watch how their relationship will turn out in the future.

The third couple is Perth and Petch, both are doctors and it seems they have a long way to actually fall in love because their story seems to get tangled into a love triangle. Though it hasn't started yet but soon it will start. Anyone can guess that both of them feel something but their relationship is in the baby stage, so it needs lots of time to progress.

One of the best things I liked most is the music and the songs. Even though I am listening to it for the first time but it made me hook to it. I never thought that Boss who played the role of Kao is such an awesome singer. I am looking for more songs in future episodes also.
