Life is full of surprises and unexpected encounters. Some are sweet whereas some are bitter; they are some are new and confusing. We don't know what is happening to you. Now Karl is feeling the same. During the dance, he went with the flow but now he is confused and scared to face Vlad. No don't he was sneaking from though the way he did was funny and realistic. But Vlad is such sweet and caring person comforted Karl saying that it was just a dance and it doesn't have to mean anything. Honestly, this scene could have been where they could have sorted out their feelings for each other but they were interrupted by Judit. As always she misunderstood the situation and signals. As per Judit point of view, this episode was a reality check for her, all her actions in the past were justified. I felt bad for her when she learned the truth about the fake relationship. Truth to be told I got scared when suddenly screamed at Karl which I was not expecting. Well, she had a valid point because she finally convinced her homophobic mother to give her approval to Vlad's relationship which was not a real one. She took Vlad to home leaving Karl alone in his apartment. It was a sad moment for me because both Karl and Vlad never shared their feelings for each and have to be apart. 
